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He is Risen!

From within the heart of Holy Week, deep within our emotional and imaginative identification with Jesus’ suffering and death, we preachers begin to prepare for our celebration of his glorious resurrection on Easter Day. Which is just as it should be. His death and resurrection are inseparable, whether we consider them as the central elements of Christian theology, are as defining aspects of the ongoing experience of our transformation as Christian believers.
This year, as always, the RCL lectionary invites us to focus on the resurrection account in John’s gospel. Luke’s story of that morning is offered as an alternative, a second-best for those not perennially wowed by Mary-meets-Jesus etc. For my take on Luke’s account, probing what it suggests about our ongoing experience of Jesus’ risen life within his Church, follow this link….
However you get to it, from Luke or John, Have a Joyous Easter.
Christ is Risen!
Howard Pilgrim

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