Two years ago I produced a video commenting on the second Sunday in Easter gospel reading. It was the one from John 20:19-31 about Jesus’ appearance to his disciples in a locked room on the first Easter evening, and his subsequent appearance with Thomas present. Familiar with that passage? You should be: it is the same one we have every year on this Sunday in Easter if we follow the Revised Common Lectionary.
Listening to my video two years later, I think it was one of my best, certainly if passion for the Christian mission is the criterion. On the one hand I argued that the dominance of John’s narrative over other Easter stories (Matthew’s then, Luke’s now) suppresses vital understandings of the resurrection valued by the early Church in its canonical process. But I also affirmed much that I find positive in the passage.
Many people downloaded that video, but none gave me feedback. Please give it a hearing by following this link. Then let me and others know what you think in the comment box, here or on that page.
Alleluia, Christ is Risen!
Howard Pilgrim