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Time out …

In recent weeks I have been struggling to get my podcast up on site in anything like enough time to make it useful to other preachers as an aid to preparation. Some visitors have obviously found it useful to download after the Sunday to which it refers, maybe to compare with what you have already… Continue reading Time out …

The Wrong Way to Win an Argument?

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading Matthew has a tricky situation to deal with: in Mark’s gospel, which he is copying and adapting, Jesus has some things to say about how the Pharisees interpret the scriptures, both those dealing with commandments and those dealing with theology. Matthew’s problem is that in relation to the former, Mark… Continue reading The Wrong Way to Win an Argument?

Render to Caesar? Really?

The separation of church and state has its good aspects, but is not an idea we can take out Jesus’ reply to the Pharisees’ question about taxes in Matthew 22. Rather, the question Jesus throws back to them is a challenge for us too … Whose money have we got in our pockets, and what… Continue reading Render to Caesar? Really?

Better late than ….

I have posted my podcast/comments on this Sunday’s gospel reading very late in the week … on Saturday evening, in fact. Things just got in the way, as they say, and moreover, I struggled with the text. This could make it more useful for those interested in what I have to say to check that… Continue reading Better late than ….